Minimum Fps for Airsoft Gun to Pierce Skin

Minimum Fps for Airsoft Gun to Pierce Skin

Does Airsoft Hurt? Read our Top Tips

Given that people will be shooting at you with projectiles, information technology's only natural to wonder nigh the pain and whether information technology'southward worth it. Moreover, if you ever played paintball and got hitting (peculiarly up close), you kind of have an idea of what information technology feels like to be shot.

Now, both paintball and airsoft weapons used in the field fire at basically the same speed (almost 350 FPS). However, there is a articulate departure between the projectiles used in paintball and the ones used in airsoft (aka Bbs). Paintball projectiles are bigger and heavier than Bbs and develop more than energy when they leave the barrel of the gun.

If it were to compare the two, a standard BB projectile weighs 0.2g and develops 1 joule of energy while a paintball projectile weighs 3g and develops 15 joules. Extrapolating from these data, information technology'southward easy to imagine that a BB will hurt less than a paintball projectile.

Nevertheless, this doesn't mean at that place won't exist some pain, especially if y'all don't use proper protective gear. Moreover, there are several types of Bulletin board system designed with different materials and in different weights, which means different levels of transferred energy.

What Does It Feel Like?

In evidently terms, it feels like someone flicks you really hard. Still, most of the energy is absorbed by clothing (especially if you wear something thick) and protective gear. Also, keep in mind that the pain is different depending on where you become hit and the distance betwixt you and the shooter.

For case, if a BB hits you in the ear (cartilage expanse), neck (especially at the base of operations), inside the arms or legs, the ribs, fingers, and/or crotch expanse the pain will be stronger. Basically, the areas that are not protected by fat or muscle tissue are near vulnerable.

At present, if you don't clothing a mask or goggles, yous run the risk of getting hit in the eye or teeth, which is not something you desire to happen! A well-shot BB has the power to chip your tooth and practice a lot of impairment to the soft tissue of the eye (even blind you), which is why these areas must be covered at all times.

Also, if the shooter is far away, the BB will lose most of its energy past the time of impact. This is why, you lot don't shoot when in close proximity (the Blindside Rule) and e'er, always, ever wear protective gear!

Does it Break the Skin?

That depends.

If the BB hits yous in full force (the shooter has a powerful weapon that goes over the 350 FPS standard) and it manages to reach a sensitive area, so you'll probably go an open wound. All the same, the area won't be likewise large, and the bleeding should stop quickly without whatever need for medical intervention.

Nevertheless, powerful weapons (400 – 500+ FPS) in combination with copper coated steel BBs (instead of the plastic ones) tin and will pierce the skin and even harm some fragile bones.

Keep in mind: While an airsoft gun doesn't take the power to deliver a fatal blow, if you're caught under heavy fire from several directions, the adventure of pain and impairment is increased.

Level of pain depending on FPS (without protective gear or combat wearable):

  • 100-200 FPS: a scrap of a poke;
  • 200-250 FPS from 60 feet: a pocket-size sting;
  • 250-300 FPS with a .20g BB: if the shooter is at about 60 anxiety, the BB will exit a welt and yous'll feel pain;
  • 300-350 FPS within 50 feet: pain is definitely strong and at that place volition be a welt;
  • 350-400 FPS: it hurts from a altitude that's greater than 35 feet, and if information technology'due south closer, it volition leave a golf brawl size welt;
  • 400-500 FPS: if shot from under 50 feet the pain is roughshod, and the BB will suspension the skin and fifty-fifty cause damage to the tissue and modest bones underneath.
  • 500+ FPS: this shot can pierce the peel even through a protective suit and it causes serious hurting and damage.

In well-nigh cases, if you don't habiliment protection, a 300 FPS airsoft gun volition pierce the skin. That's why, in indoor gaming, the limit is set at 350 FPS and 400 FPS for outdoor settings. Airsoft guns that are more powerful than this are non immune in games and should not be used against human opponents.

How to Avoid the Pain

How would you like to go into the function or at schoolhouse, Monday morning, with a huge bruise on your face or a chipped molar?

I imagine that most of you wouldn't like this scenario, especially since it can be easily avoided. Furthermore, legit airsoft fields don't allow players to enter the game without basic protection, which is goggles and mask (full face or partial).

The danger increases when you lot organize a game between friends and there'south no one to enforce the rule of protective gear on the field. Still, you lot should be aware of the dangers of airsoft and how the proper gear can aid reduce them to a minimum.

Here's how gear can help:

  • Helmet – this ane covers the head (top and back of the head) and protects y'all from any Bulletin board system that come from the back. You can likewise use the helmet to attach accessories such as a frontal light or video camera.
  • Mask – masks tin can be full-face or partial (check our guide hither for more details) and protect the eyes, teeth, ears, and the peel of the face. Yet, if yous choose to become a partial design, the ears, back of the head, and some skin expanse volition remain exposed.
  • Goggles – if you won't vesture anything else, you must wear high-quality goggles! The eyes are the most sensitive body part and the ones where a rogue BB can do the about damage so don't ignore this protective detail.
  • Gloves – there are some amazing tactical gloves you tin employ to protect your fingers and still get good dexterity when treatment the gun. The fingers and joints are incredibly painful even if the BB doesn't come up at high speed, then why not look absurd and save yourself some unnecessary pain?
  • Vests – the breast and back areas are also sensitive, and you tin can get a trample or two even when wearing thick clothing. But if y'all go a tactical belong with or without a chest plate, you lot'll become protection and actress storage space for magazines, sidearms, and more.
  • Boots – the talocrural joint tin can also be a sensitive area when information technology comes to flying Bbs, merely the boots become extremely efficient when you're playing outdoors in rainy or cold weather. I recommend tactical boots since these are designed to stay with y'all through thick and thin.

Wrap Up

Equally long every bit you are in the airsoft field or playing a game with your friends, there will always exist the risk of a rogue BB! However, if yous take all the necessary precautions, the hurting won't be too strong, and you lot will be able to laugh it off.

Furthermore, a horrible shot that left you with a welt can be a fantastic bonding opportunity with members of your team, since everyone has a fun story on this topic.

Minimum Fps for Airsoft Gun to Pierce Skin

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